
Monday, May 28, 2007

Percy the Small Engine

My nephew, Kedar Sol is one of the funniest, smartest, coolest cats i've ever met... young or old. Wise way beyond his years. I asked my brother about him the other day, to see what was new with'em... he says "Im thinking about giving him a key". Mind u... Kedar is 2.

So one evening I'm hangin out with him... Watching him while his parents were out. During the course of the night, he starts looking for his favorite toy... Percy the Small Engine.

So constantly thru out the night i hear him trying to find Percy... u know saying things like "Where is Percy?" ... " I want Percy!". Thing is, Kedar just started talking, and still hasn't quite mastered his R's yet... So his 'Per' comes out sounding more like "Poo".

.................................................................... yeah

Needless to say, I had a ball listening to him that night :D

Have you seen Percy?

Percy is the best!

I want to play with Percy!

Percy is my friend!

I love Percy!

............. so do I Kedar... so do I.

