
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chess Lesson 1 ("Object of the Game")

The most important thing to remember is "what is the object of the game... what is it that you are trying to accomplish". With this in mind, you'll be able to start formulating your plan, and strategies designed to execute said plan.

While this may sound simple its amazing how many times we lose track of this. Finding ourselves chasing that which is not essential to our goal. Some think.... if I can capture the queen, the game is won, or that trading a bishop for a rook will give me the material advantage needed to claim victory.... when in fact, all these things are pointless if ultimately they do not lead to the accomplishment of that which we have set forth to do.

I oft times say "Its all a game.... life, love, happiness... just sometimes the stakes are higher, and the rules are not as clear cut" but if we are able to remember this first lesson, all these things are achievable.



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