
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Buried Talents

"I haven't sang in years"
"You sure"
"Yeah I'm Sure"
"Fall in line Girl Scout"

Gale practically begged me to never stop writing. Said I had real "talent". It was her that also introduced me to that story in the bible about the 3 sons and their talents. Guess I buried mine.

Problem is when you've been blessed with all sorts of talents how do you utilize all of them? And if you do attempt to utilize all of them, how do you become the best at one...

Jack of all trades - Master of none....

....the irony of my life. Above average at everything I try (except singing). But I would trade it in to be the best at just one...
.... I think.

I am dancing on 64 squares for hours after hours, day in and day out. Trying to be the Grandest of all Masters. Right now, thats my best oppurtunity of being the best. In college it was spades "Dot it up Baby!!" and them Bones... "Dominoe Bitchez". As a kid, it was every video game that was ever made. Street Fighter was my favorite... Zangief was the man. "Think you can keep me off you if you want... Even that cheap ass Blanka shit is futile"

They say "There will always be somebody better."
But who are THEY?
Probably everybody except the best.

So do I utilize all of my Talents, or focus on that one? As a Libra I need my balance. But I also am vain.

Chess utilizes my love for the arts, as well as my mathematical precision... My competitive hunger, as well as my uncanny problem solving genious... My Creative Logic, and Logical Creativity... Blitz or untimed... it doesn't matter... I'll whoop your ass. Well at least about 95% of the populations asses... But that just ain't good enough.

But my writing has suffered... My public speaking has suffered... My basketball game has really suffered... My mack game has disapeared. Maybe thats cuz I haven't been on the scene for nearly 10 years.

Fuck it. I'll figure it out.

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